Thursday, April 26, 2007

A post (lazy to think of a title)

Sorry haven't post anything in ages...
just an update on what i have been doing....

Finished my dipABRSM(din do well enough to pass, i think, ah well..another 2 months to worry abt it).
Finished my midterm performance test DVD.
Finished my Aural Assignment.

Haven't finish my essay on motivation in musical learning.
Haven't finish preparing for demonstration lesson.
Haven't finish preparing for my cello exams which is real soon.

So many things to do and so little time....And yet i am here blogging....See the things i do for u all....My fans who adore me :P....before u puke, on a serious note, thanks for even bothering to read the crap that i write....

Just some pics to torture u guys who are on a diet... :P
took these a while ago at PASTASIA, portions are a lot smaller then the last time i went there....
i recommend BREEKS, good big portions, value for money (don't have food pics taken there though)

dad ate: tomyam seafood something

mom ate: chicken something

sis and I ate this.....

shared 2 chocolate panna cotta's which in no time became


our big fat satisfied looks....:P


Anonymous said...

Halo! Just visited ur blog. I guess ur style is writing about ur daily activities. Pl help me to start my own blog so dat i can kap here kap there.But don,t get carried away in ur blogging dat u neglect doing ur house wrk n beauty sleep. Ha Ha.:)

alphie said...
wanna talk bad about u oso cannot liao lor....

yingjieliow said...


audrey said...
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